Bring your school's walls to life® Transform your school’s visual environment with bespoke Wall Art for schools


lee chapel school wall art

Add WOW factor!

Bespoke Wall Art graphics for Schools can totally transform the interior and exterior of your learning environment. There is no limit to what you can achieve through the power of our creative designs!

Whether you want to improve wellbeing, boost attainment or spark your students’ natural curiosity, our talented team will help you achieve your school improvement goals.

plumcroft under the sea school wall art

Inspire Learning

Communicate everything that’s positive about your school to everyone connected to it. With custom Wall Art for Schools, you can create an inspiring environment in which to work and learn.

Celebrate your school’s unique vision and values, complement your diverse curriculum or transform a dull or unloved area of your school.

Wave goodbye to dull, uninspiring walls and say hello to a school mural world of wonder!

This is the wonderful world of Promote Your School.

Why choose Wall Art for Schools?

Your school is the home of future leaders. In fact, future CEOs, scientists, thespians, sportspeople, firefighters, teachers and parents all walk your hallways daily. You’re giving them the best start in life with a well rounded education, nurturing care and a diverse curriculum.

Now you have the opportunity to take learning to another level! Our bespoke Wall Art graphic design for schools will totally transform your learning environment. We’ve worked with hundreds of schools to help them achieve their unique objectives through the power of School Murals, rejuvenating your school wall decor in a style that suits them. We’d love to do the same for you…

Find out more

What do you want to achieve?

You can achieve all this and more with beautiful, bespoke Wall Art for schools


Our Process

  1. Free site visit

    We’ll start with a free site visit to your School (UK only) where we'll discuss your objectives. Then, we'll make suggestions of how to achieve them with custom Wall Art graphics.

  2. Quote

    You’ll receive a quote for the areas we’ve discussed for your School Wall Decor. We are also happy to discuss the proposal with you and make adjustments where necessary.

  3. Bespoke design

    From there we’ll move to the design phase - and you’ll benefit from unlimited revisions to your artwork free of charge.

  4. Industrial grade materials

    Once approved your artwork will be printed. We print on premium, industrial grade materials.

  5. Installation to suit you

    Now, it’s time for installation. We can install your custom Wall Art over weekends or during holidays to minimise disruption to your school day.

  6. The BIG reveal

    Finally, the Tadaa moment! A world of wonder brought to your walls.

You can read more about our process in our FAQs and our blogs.

Take a look at our FAQs Read our blog


Fulham Cross Academy Library Wall
Fulham Cross Academy Library Wall
Wall Art.
Fulham Cross Academy Library Wall
Grove Academy Environmental Awareness Map
Grove Academy Environmental Awareness Map
Wall Art.
Grove Academy Environmental Awareness Map
Great Marlow School Literacy Timeline Wall Art
Great Marlow School Literacy Timeline Wall Art
Wall Art.
Great Marlow School Literacy Timeline Wall Art
Grove Academy Reading Wall Art
Grove Academy Reading Wall Art
Wall Art.
Grove Academy Reading Wall Art
Ash Manor School Theatre Wall Art
Ash Manor School Theatre Wall Art
Wall Art.
Ash Manor School Theatre Wall Art
The Whitby High School Environmental Science
The Whitby High School Environmental Science
Wall Art.
The Whitby High School Environmental Science


Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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