School subject zones to inspire home learning

BLOG 28 APR 2020

Richmond park Academy Science Entrance Wall Art school subject zones

School subject zones are highly visual designs that focus on one or more subjects and highlight key facts, phrases, famous figures and photos that relate to each topic.

As a school, you’ll no doubt be on the hunt for fresh new ideas to inspire home learning! It can be a challenge to keep pupils engaged, enthused and self-motivated to learn at home. At Promote Your School, experience has taught us that making learning as visual as possible is a key ingredient for pupil engagement.

Visual stimuli get students in the right mindset for learning

Subject zones are great for getting students in the right mindset for that subject before they go to lessons. They act as pre-learning; a recap and a warm up as they wait for lessons. Help your students get off to a rolling start with their home learning by sending them inspiring images as a starting point for their home learning activities and sessions. 

Making learning memorable

Studies show that people remember 80% of what they see, versus just 10% of what they hear.  School subject zones can help students remember information more easily than if they hear it or read it within a large body of text.

We know that young people today are heavily influenced by visual stimuli. Gaming, video streaming and social media are all highly ocular by nature. So, it’s important to deliver children’s experiences of learning in ways that mirror their extra-curricular behaviour. Interactivity is really important too. Pupils are more likely to engage with something if they can see, touch and experience it physically.

Alperton Maths feature wall art mural

Burnt Mill Academy English Subject wall art

Natural curiosity

School subject zones are effective because they show, rather than tell. They can create awe, wonder and curiosity in a subject and get imaginations whirring.  What if pupils could meet some of the famous Historical figures they’ve learned about in lessons? Or watch Scientific theories come to life in front of their eyes? Would Maths be easier to master if it materialised into an amazing life-sized mural?

Knowing this, why not consider how you can make home learning activities as visually stimulating as possible too? Use lots of images, colour and interest to attract the eye and inspire natural curiosity. Mix up your font sizes and use big text and image blocks for bits that need extra focus.  Maintain a balance of tasks that you set for your students between those that encourage them to create visual output as well as online learning.

Time travel

Timelines are a very popular theme for school subject zones. They often focus on History or Science but can depict any subject or topic. As the name suggests, a timeline takes students on a chronological walk through a subject, from its earliest beginnings to the present day. Timelines celebrate inspirational people, inventions and times in history. They provoke thinking and reflection, as well as an understanding of the world around us. Some schools fill multiple storeys of their building with stunning timelines!

You can translate this theme into a wonderful home learning project. You might encourage pupils to find their own facts and images and build a subject timeline on the walls of their home (with parents’ permission of course!)

They’ll engage with the subject matter they chose and be exposed to it every day, so it’ll be more memorable. You could even encourage pupils to present their timelines to their classmates via a Zoom call or recorded video!

Alperton Community School subject event timeline corridor wall art

Community School subject event timeline atrium wall art

Resources hub

At Promote Your School, we’ve designed many school subject zones over the past 15 years. So we have a huge portfolio of subject themes to discover in our case studies section.

We’d encourage you to use any images on our site that might be useful for your home learning activities with pupils*.  You can save, download and print these free of charge, provided they are used for educational purposes. We’re also developing a free online resources hub for schools, which will be available within the next few weeks.

In the meantime, here are a few pages that might be useful to draw inspiration from the various themes and styles of Wall Art we’ve designed for schools.

School subject zones

School values

Library and literacy themes

Science Wall Art blog

*Please do not use any images on our site for commercial purposes


A note about service from Promote Your School

In these uncertain times, looking after our colleagues and customers is our first priority and we are closely following Public Health England’s guidance, while keeping disruption to a minimum.

If you’d like to find out more about bespoke Wall Art for your school, do get in touch. Our entire design process can be conducted remotely and we install at a time that is suitable for you. Get in touch to arrange a consultation or visit our portfolio to view more of our work.

Parental Engagement



5 common problems schools solve with Wall Art

Schools invest in Wall Art for various reasons… After another busy summer holiday of Wall Art installations, we’re reflecting on the common objectives schools want to achieve through their Wall Art.

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