Neurodiversity Celebration Week

BLOG 09 MAR 2023

Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a chance to explore, understand and discuss neurodiversity.

An annual campaign, Neurodiversity Celebration Week aims to celebrate different minds. It’s also a chance to raise awareness and increase understanding of what neurodiversity really means.

In this blog, we’ll look specifically at how you can use your school’s visual environment to create an inclusive and safe space for all pupils.

Visual Wall Art is a wonderful way to breathe new life into your school buildings. At the same time, you can also improve wellbeing, raise aspirations and create a positive learning environment.

What is neurodiversity?

People who are neurodiverse experience the world in a different way to the majority of the population.

This means that they might;

Common conditions associated with neurodiversity are ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, and Tourette’s syndrome.

But neurodiverse people don’t have a ‘condition’ and don’t always need a formal diagnosis. They simply see things differently to most other people.

Often, this means they’re able to solve problems creatively and create unique opportunities that other people might miss.

Your visual environment

Supporting neurodiverse students to recognise their talents (which can be amazing), and develop strategies to help them overcome obstacles, is important part of their education in school.

Your school’s corridors, stairwells, outdoor areas and communal spaces can all play a part in this and make your building a more accessible place for your neurodiverse students.

At Promote Your School, we can design bespoke Wall Art for your school and your pupils’ needs. We’ll tailor the images and messaging to your objectives.

For example;

You can include neurodiversity in a larger Wall Art project about wellbeing, diversity and inclusion, or focus solely on neurodiversity.

Bespoke design for schools

Our in-house design team creates every Wall Art project from scratch. And they tailor the designs to each school’s unique preferences and goals.

We offer a consultative service that includes advice, design, print, installation and aftersales support. Even if you’re not sure what you’re looking for in terms of design, simply share your goal and we’ll help you achieve it through our beautiful bespoke designs.

Need some inspiration?

Check out recent case studies on our website.

Ready to get started?

Contact us to arrange a free, no obligation site visit from a regional consultant.

Before you go…

Our Ideas Book (below) is packed with tips on how to maximise your available space and budget.

Take a look





Awareness days


world theatre day school wall art

Celebrate World Theatre Day… every day

27th March is World Theatre Day Initiated back in 1962 by the International Theatre Institute, World Theatre Day is a chance to celebrate the life-changing impact of theatre on people around the world.

Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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