Sir Herbert Leon Academy Must Read Books Corridor

Sir Herbert Leon school wall art
Sir Herbert Leon school wall art
Sir Herbert Leon school wall art

We designed Must Read Books Wall Art for Sir Herbert Leon Academy.

A Must Read Books wall is a great resource for sparking curiosity for reading. We featured some of the most popular children’s books in this vibrant design.

Encouraging reading for pleasure will in turn will improve literacy. Read on to find out how we brought this Must Read Books Wall to life!

Sir Herbert Leon school wall art
Sir Herbert Leon school wall art
Sir Herbert Leon school wall art

Literacy Wall Art

There are so many ways to bring books to life on your school’s walls.

For younger pupils, we’d suggest you stick with magical themes. For example, castles, wizards, fairies and mythical creatures. This fuels young imaginations and sparks curiosity in young readers.

For older pupils, we can tailor your designs to your curriculum. Or we can feature classic titles that everyone should read – all ideas are achievable with our Wall Art.

In this case, we’ve depicted book spines for a really engaging and immersive effect. But we can also feature quotes, images and scenes from books. It’s important that we represent a wide range of authors and books so that every pupil can relate to the Wall Art.

Lasting Wall Art

We worked closely with the school to agree books that they felt were relevant to their pupils. And, of course, we showcased books that will stand the test of time, especially as our Wall Art is durable and will be a bright fixture in the school for a number of years.

Our commitment to literacy

Our commitment to literacy is evident through our work, designing bespoke literacy Wall Art for schools. But we also work with literacy charities around the UK to support their work and increase their impact.

We have partnerships with BookTrust, The Reading Agency and Bookmark Reading Charity.

It’s our belief that every child should be able to enjoy the magic of a good book, so we’ll continue working with schools and charities to bring this ambition to life

Sir Herbert Leon school wall art
Sir Herbert Leon school wall art
Sir Herbert Leon school wall art

Working with your space

We’re here to help you whether or not you have a dedicated library space. With Wall Art, any space in your school can celebrate books!

Your corridors, stairwells, classrooms, communal areas and even outdoor spaces can help promote the power of literacy.

Sir Herbert Leon school wall art
Sir Herbert Leon school wall art
Sir Herbert Leon school wall art
Corridor Wraps Library and Literacy Themes Subject Zones


Burwell village history timeline wall art

Burwell Village College Primary School Historical Timeline

Timelines can facilitate active learning by allowing pupils to walk alongside key events. We combine images of famous faces with dates, facts and figures that are sure to wow pupils of all ages.

Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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