Central Park Primary Timeline Stairwell Wall Art

Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art

We designed Timeline Stairwell Wall Art for Central Park Primary School in London.

This absolutely stunning design shows the impact of Timeline Stairwell Wall Art. The colours create a high impact, visual feast for the senses. And, the images and information are equally bold and powerful.

The end result is an incredible transformation to the school’s stairwells!

Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art

Inspire learning

By far, the biggest benefit of Timeline Stairwell Wall Art is that it helps pupils learn. We know that visual learning aids have a huge impact on absorbing and retaining information. So, by using your walls as a learning aid, you can create a positive learning environment.

The combination of images, information and colour draws the eye. Wall Art invokes a natural curiosity in students and it’s impossible to miss!

Achieve your goals

All our Wall Art is designed bespoke. So we can tailor your designs to help you achieve your unique objectives as a school. This can include anything from increasing attainment to improving pupil and teacher wellbeing.

If you like the idea of Wall Art but aren’t sure exactly how it can benefit you, we can help! We’ll visit your school, free of charge, to discuss your school improvement goals.

From there, we’ll make suggestions of how to use your available space to maximise your budget. Our service includes design, print and installation, so there’s no work for you!


Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art
Central Park Primary Timeline wall art

Get in touch!

To find out more about Wall Art for your school, get in touch!

You can also view more examples of our work in the Case Studies section of our website. We’ve over 20 years’ experience in education and design. So we’re well placed to guide you through the process of bringing your school’s walls to life with Wall Art.

Stairwell Makeovers Timelines


Burwell village history timeline wall art

Burwell Village College Primary School Historical Timeline

Timelines can facilitate active learning by allowing pupils to walk alongside key events. We combine images of famous faces with dates, facts and figures that are sure to wow pupils of all ages.

Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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